The past to the present

Today is a very special day, it marks the day we officially start Studio Mogensen. After many months of preparation, we open our virtual doors on this small piece of the internet so that we can bring design, lifestyle and business to all of you.

Now that we have your attention for these few seconds, let's tell you a little about our history and how we got here.

Back in 2019, we (Karla and Sebastian) left our comfortable homes to meet each other, but it wasn't something simple, one house was in Brazil while the other in France, we met in England and then the adventure began. At that time we were in our 20’s, full of plans and lost in relation to the future, after all, an ocean separated us.

In 2020, we decided to move in together in the South of France, where we spent the entire pandemic thinking about how we could take Karla's design knowledge and Sebastian's language skills to the next level, so we started to dedicate ourselves for working at home, focusing on the creation of visual identities for small businesses around the world mainly with the Brazilian market.

We also took into account the fact that we could work anywhere in the world, a laptop and internet would be enough for us to make money and see life happen at the same time.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines! Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!
— Mark Twain

After traveling a lot, enjoying many places and dedicating ourselves to work, we wanted more. It was at that moment that our lovely little daughter appeared, currently she is a 4-month-old baby and responsible for us taking this step forward in our life that is the creation of Studio Mogensen.

We spent a few months studying the audience, what the site would look like, what we would or wouldn't do, until we reached the result you are seeing now. This entire site was created with a lot of love, with several sleepless nights and with the certainty that we will bring you a quality product, with the mission of changing the world through design and helping companies to stand out in some way.

With all our hearts, we want this new journey to be spectacular for all of us and we want to say a big thank you to all our friends and family who trusted and helped us to take this step towards something new, something big.

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